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What should I wear?


  • Friday - Semi-Formal - Kicking off the weekend with the sounds, tastes and vibes of Southwest France. This region is a blend of Spanish, French and Basque Culture, we’re suggesting you wear some red and/or black, white (any combination)

  • Saturday - Formal / Semi-Formal -Think about all the cool photos you’ll be able to take in front of the castle! Remember, it probably be very hot.

  • Sunday - Casual - You've made it this far, just put on some clothes, any clothes, you got this!


What's there to see? What should I do?


Welcome to the wine country, there is a lot to see in the area, vineyards, old churches, monuments, cities, villages, etc.

We listed some websites where you can find all kinds of information in English.


  • BORDEAUX: - Bordeaux was awarded a place on UNESCO’s prestigious World Heritage List in 2007 thanks to its classical and neoclassical architecture which are worth the visit. We love this city, here are some cool things to see: Porte Dijeaux, Bordeaux Cathedral & Pey-Berland Tower, Église Saint-Pierre, Miroir d’Eau (largest water mirror in the world), Place des Quinconces, Porte Cailhau, Opéra National de Bordeaux - Grand-Théâtre, etc

  • BAZAS - Immerse yourself into a picturesque little village. Stop for a break on a café terrace under the arcades of the main square, with the cathedral as a backdrop, and don’t miss the traditional Saturday morning market.

  • ST-EMILION - This is a little wine making village that we LOVE. Take a day to enjoy a guided tour or explore on your own, . Try some of the world renowned wines and visit the underground cellars.


How much is the shuttle and how do I get on it?


To make your experience as convenient and enjoyable as possible, we have organized shuttle transportation services for the various events.

The shuttle will provide transportation from Bordeaux to Bazas/Grignols on Fr
iday at 3:30pm, as well as transportation between Bazas and Grignols on Friday night and Saturday  night. Additionally, it will be available for transportation from Bazas/Grignols on Sunday.

To reserve your seat on the shuttle, kindly inform Patrick or Julie
. We will be coordinating the shuttle arrangements and collecting the necessary payments. The cost for the shuttle service is $35 per person, covering all the transportation services mentioned.

To secure your seat, please make the payment via Venmo or send the money to Patrick or Julie b
efore your trip. This will enable us to finalize the shuttle arrangements and ensure that everyone's transportation needs are met.

What's the time difference?


France is 6 hours ahead of  Detroit. Example: 8am in Detroit is 2pm in France


What's different at a French wedding?


There are a few differences between French and American weddings.

For starters the cocktail "hour" lasts 2 to 3 hours, and dinner starts around 8:30 pm.

The dinner is 4 courses with breaks in between each course where we play games and socialize

The party goes all night, until the sun rises.


What if I don't speak French?


Don't worry, it's part of the traveling fun!

France is a country with a lot of tourists and you'll find people who speak English pretty easily.

We recommend you to have the Apple or Google translate apps handy. We prefer to use Apple translate because they have a convenient "conversation mode".




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