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Patrick & Julie


Please join us for our wedding celebration

July 21-23, 2023

Patrick & Julie's Wedding
Patrick & Julie's Wedding
Jul 21, 2023, 6:30 PM – Jul 23, 2023, 5:00 PM
Domaine de la Dame Blanche ,
10 Rue du Château, 33690 Grignols, France


Julie grew up in southwest France, where she loved fencing and swore she would never live in a cold place. So, after getting a scholarship, she packed her swords and moved to sunny warm Detroit.
Patrick grew up in Detroit, where he knew his knightess in shining armor would one day walk off a delayed Air France flight.
That day finally came, and because they are both always late for everything, they met four years later in a backyard in Woodbridge, Detroit. A place they had been to dozens of times, but never together. They got engaged on top of a parking structure (how romantic!) with the formerly best view of the city in the background.
They live in Detroit where they love filling the house with more plants than the Amazon, and Patrick is steadily learning how to ask questions in French (pourquoi avons- nous autant de plantes?). They love traveling, eating, and debating very important topics like: does the person in the middle seat get both armrests? If a baguette could move, how would it move? And who has the best pizza? USA, Europe, NYC, Detroit? It’s Detroit.

We couldn’t be more excited about our wedding and all that’s to follow!

Patrick & Julie

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